Sunday, February 10, 2019

Comment Wall

Comment Wall


  1. Hey Caitlin. First, off I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed how you are staring to lay out your storybook. Within your introduction I enjoyed how you gave the reader, such as myself, background information into Odysseus and Penelope comparing it to Nala and Damayanti. Incorporating myths from other centuries and geographical areas is an excellent idea!
    When I got to reading your first story I did want to take note on the first paragraph. I am not sure it might just be me; however, I felt like I was re-reading what you had in your introduction. It felt repetitive to your introduction when you are describing the situation between Odysseus and Penelope. Perhaps it is because I immediately read your introduction then went into your first story, but maybe changes could be made to make it sounds less repetitive.
    One aspect of your story I do enjoy is incorporating Argos into your story and having him meet an Indian man who has a similar story. I think that is the perfect setup to starting your next story. Good job on that!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really liked your storybook. The images you chose for the website helped the story to come to life and bring in a lot of colors. I also liked how you are adding in another perspective on these stories. It is interesting to think of how the people living within the kingdoms would think of their king’s actions. I liked how you included how Petros and the lives of the other citizens in his country may be affected by the life choices of their king. There is also a suggestion I would give for your storybook. It would be to include a link to your comment wall on the home page of your website. I saw the link to your blog, but I had to search to find your comment wall to post this comment. I think if you did this it would help the reader to be able to navigate easier. Overall, I like where your storybook is heading.

  4. Hi~
    I love the images on your site! The coastal Greek town makes me feel like I'm on vacation. I like the concept you've given your storybook, it's kinda nice to break up Indian stories with the Greek ones. It's made your works really interesting. There are a couple things that caught my attention but it's nothing major. A few grammatical errors pop up throughout, which can distract from the story. The sentence structure is a little choppy but I think that'll fix itself when the grammar errors are edited. Also, an author's note explaining the background may give the readers more details that'll make the stories even better. This may be a glitch on my end but I noticed the title of your storybook wasn't on the home page. My wifi isn't working great so it could just be me. I look forward to the finished product. I really want to know who the most faithful couple will be!

  5. Hey Caitlin! I think the idea of meshing the stories of Greek mythology with the Indian epics is wonderful. I am, however, having a little bit of trouble understanding how you plan to combine these tales, and how the characters are meant to relate to one another. I think having a title on the homepage would help to establish the overarching theme of your storybook. You might also experiment with giving unique titles to each story, rather than simply labeling them "Story 1," Story 2," ect. Titles help to grab the reader's attention and present a snapshot of what lies ahead. Including an author’s note would also help to give the reader context and clarify where the ideas in the story are taken from. I do like how your narrator is a simple shopkeeper rather than someone of high rank – it will be interesting to witness the events of your stories through the eyes of someone less privileged, since most of the tales we have read in class have been from the perspective of, or have focused on, those of high status.

  6. Hi Caitlin!

    So glad I got the chance to find your blog and read your stories. I think that comparing the two couples is such a unique and fun way to learn more about these stories. I really don't know much about both these couples so I was excited for a chance to learn more throughout your retellings. I think if I were to try and give you some constructive criticism I would maybe make sure that you are rereading over your stories and kind of checking for any little typos and grammar errors. Just because sometimes it can distract form how great the rest of the story is! Also I was kind of hoping your second story was going to be a little longer than it was, I was so excited to keep reading but felt like I didn't get the chance to understand the full story. Other than those little things you're doing a great job! I hope to read more of your stories in the future.

  7. Hello Caitlin,

    I'm glad that I got to read your stories. I enjoyed the comparison you laid out at the beginning of your blog between Odysseus/Penelope and Nala/Damayanti. I think this was a good way to prepare your readers. One of the things that I saw was the titles of the discovery box, they need kind of a boost. The subject you have is eye-grabbing and so is your page, but the titles need just a bit of work. Another thing is to check your typos and your grammar. There wasn't much, but I would reread it and check after you write your story. I also understand the set-up of the story, but since we were so focused on Petros, I was a little confused at times. Overall, I liked it and I enjoy mythological stories and epics. I am also a Letters major so I understand your interest completely. While I have not completely read the Odyssey, I do think the characters that you picked were a smart choice as a comparison. I look forward to reading more from you!

  8. Hi Caitlin,

    Your story is so intriguing and was fun to read. I really loved the comparison between the Greek and Indian Epics. It was great to see someone turn that into a theme and compare some of the oldest stories in the world. Both of these communities, the Greeks and Indians, are two of the oldest known civilizations. Their stories are greatly similar, which makes one think how they could possibly be so. I loved the order by which you presented the story and how Petros and Virji met each other. It was really interesting, and the images you used were clear and very aesthetically pleasing! One suggestion is that you may want to go back through and proofread. There were a lot of tiny errors among your stories. Additionally, you switch from Virji to Virjis a lot in your story, so it may be best to pick one, as I do not know the actual name. I think you could also give a better introduction because you simply ask one question and never readdress it fully in the end. Great job!

  9. Hi Caitlin!
    I want to start out by saying that I love the topic of your storybook! I think that including similar stories from different regions and being able to compare and contrast them is so clever and interesting. Although I love reading Indian epics, it is refreshing to read stories from other cultures.
    I also love the way that you have designed your website. The cover image is SO pretty, to me it really made me want to see what your project was going to be about. I also like how you put multiple pictures for the first story, it gives more for the reader to see and connect to the story. The image for "The Decision" didn't pop up for me though- there's just a dotted outline where the picture should be, so maybe take a quick look at that! Other than that I think you are doing a really good job, I'm excited to see what you add!

  10. Hello Caitlin! I'll start off by saying I love your home page! The header image is beautiful and captivating. My only thing would be to maybe make "Devotion" a bit bigger and maybe all caps? Just a thought. Also, I noticed there's no way to access the comment page that I can see on the home page or the backstory page? I love the back story page though. Very nice. Focusing on your backstory page. Is there any way to make the header image smaller for the non-homepages? I just think it would flow better if you didn't have to scroll so much to get to the actual text. I would also add a bit about the people in each paragraph. Like we know what they have done/what they have conquered/etc, but I want to know a bit about them as people. You know? Like even if you have to make some stuff up, this blanket statement sounds more like a tax report than a back story.

  11. Hey Caitlin! First and foremost I love the concept of your storybook project! Mingling these two epic tales of different cultures is an awesome way to emphasize the similarities that run between all people! The flow of your stories is great. I wanted to start reading the second one as soon as I had finished the first! I love the perspective you're unraveling this story from. Having Petros be our main source of information means that we are just as unsure of the kings identity as the citizens are. Your project also has a great visual flow to it, your website is easy to navigate and I love that its full of these stunning pictures. It's making me want to go back and add more to my own project! My favorite page visually is the back story page. I love these descriptions being side by side, it gives a great hint as to how these two stories will intermingle, and I think your choice of images was excellent in portraying the subtle differences in these two love stories.

  12. Hi Caitlyn!

    I'm glad I got the chance to see your storybook this week from the Mythology & Folklore class. I'm not familiar with any of the stories from your class, but it was super interesting to read your retellings of them! First off, I love the design of your site. All of your images are really interesting and are super effective at helping to set the scene and tell the story in a clear and visual way. It definitely helped me to visualize the events of your stories better! Your storybook is also the first I've seen that has compiled all the author's notes at the end, and I kind of like how it keeps the stories flowing together naturally. Plus, since the navigation of your site is right at the top, it's easy for the reader to move from each story to the author's notes page if they'd like to learn more. Overall, fantastic job, and I hope the rest of your semester goes well!

  13. Hey Caitlin,
    First impression - wow! I love the full-size picture on your cover page and how you give the reader a sneaky hint of what your storybook will be about without actually giving anything away. Plus, that image is beautiful and absolutely draws me into the site.
    I'm really curious why you decided to tell the parallel stories of Odysseus and Penelope and Nala and Damayanti. You've made the incorporation of the separate stories into the same world really seamless. I almost want you to throw The Count of Monte Cristo in there too - another story about a man who goes missing for years and returns to his wife. Also, I love that the story kind of reads like Gossip Girl without sounding tooo casual.
    One suggestion I would make is to add some visual details about the people and/or the setting. It might help the reader get a little more oriented since there are so many characters.
    Excellent job so far!

  14. Hi Caitlin,

    The photo on your home page is stunning. I have always wanted to visit Greece and that picture just reaffirms that desire. I love the way your story "Confrontation" is set up. The three pictures on the left look great! I think its is cool that you took your knowledge of Greek mythology and Homer's "Odyssey" to write your stories. One thing that I have learned in this class is that my stories are better when I combine bits and pieces of many other stories. You have done that with your's and as a result, your stories have been great!

    I do like your idea creating a separate page for your author's notes but I am a little confused what each individual story was influenced by. Maybe adding some sort of indicator pointing pack to your stories might be helpful. This is just a suggestion though! Good job with your project overall!

  15. Hi Caitlin,

    It was interesting enough that you wanted to look at the connections between these two mythological royal couples, but the way in which you did it was great! I loved the framing device of your two merchants. I am curious – was there actually trade by sea between the Helenic civilization and the Indian one? Or was it all overland trading? (Really, my question is whether a Petros and a Virjis could ever have met at any point during ancient Greek civilization.) Not that it matters – it’s a great framing device – I’m just curious.

    I also really liked that you brought in Arjun to set our two gossiping traders right, though it was initially quite a surprise to see him, of all people, show up in Ithaca. (Though less of a surprise than seeing him in Ithaca, NY would be, I guess…) I’m almost sorry for our traders: they were having such a good time bonding until they were set right. Can’t you maybe save their friendship, if nothing else?


  16. Howdy Caitlin,

    I would first like to discuss your storybook website. I thought the overall layout and design of the website was great. The navigation of the website was super easy. The photos you used were absolutely beautiful. Overall, I thought your storybook website was simple yet captivating.

    Now let's discuss your writing. I thought it was interesting that you took two other well known mythology stories and compared them to each other also while including a tie-in with India. I chose to focus on the story of Odysseus because I am probably most familiar with that story. I thought "Petros" was a relatively informative story, if the reader was not familiar with the whole Odysseus mythology. However, I do feel like the first paragraph of "Petros" was a bit repetitive. You basically restated the introduction page, so I would suggest possibly fixing that paragraph up where it is not repeating the same thing or possibly just remove that paragraph altogether. Other than that, one hiccup, I thought your writing was great!

  17. Hello there, Caitlin!

    First of all, I want to start by saying you may have my favorite project website out of everyone's! The aesthetic is unique and characteristic of your own topic, which really makes your work stand out when people arrive at the page. Additionally, the layout and organization is also unique but not at all hard to navigate. Especially because my own project follows the cookie cutter layout of Google Sites, I admire your project so much! Now- this week were supposed to focus on author's notes for our project feedback assignment. I like that you decided to separate your author's notes onto their own page... I think it works very well for your specific topic. I also like how detailed the notes were and how they outlined your intentions with each story. It made me want to read all of the stories to really look and find the things you highlighted/adapted. I also want to compliment the organization of your paragraphs for the notes. One effective writing tip for the notes might be to separate the comments you make in regard to the original story and in regard to your own story. This isn't anything that is super effective for general writing, but for your specific project it might help people to find the information they are looking for easier. Great work!!

  18. Hi Caitlin,
    This is actually my second go around writing this feedback post as I am not sure what happened when trying to publish my last BUT... This weeks feedback was a kind of free and open one where we were able to pick any story or portfolio out of both classes. I decided to click yours as I did not think I had checked it out yet, I am happy I did. A few thinks I wanted to compliment you on real quick. First of all, I loved how in a few of your stories you had a number of pictures. This is something I kind of wish I did more of. It gives the audience such a better idea of what the story is saying. One thing though, on the Dispute story the picture is not showing up so that might be a picture you need to change. I also loved how every page has the picture picture where the titles were. I feel the more uniform something is the more people will want to come back to it.

  19. Hey Caitlin,

    This is a student from the other side just checking in as you are actually my first project for this class. I was very impressed overall by your stories, but I must say that your layout choice is also amazing. I love the photos that you have chosen as it makes the stories very easy to read and puts me in the perfect mood for the tone of the stories. I really also think that your paragraph spacing is great and makes the stories easy to read. Lastly, I think a very important thing to note is how well written and easy your author's notes make understanding the story you are telling from. As someone who had not previously read the story, this really allowed for me to venture into your thought process as you were writing. Great job so far and I hope you have a great rest of the semester. Continue to do what you do as you are doing a great job. I actually couldn't find any mistakes grammatically in any of your stories so kudos to you.

  20. Hey Caitlin,

    I really enjoyed reading the story about Petros. Thankfully, I know a little bit about Odysseus and Penelope from reading in my Mythology and Folklore class. I must say that you did a fantastic job of designing your blog and making it really pretty. Adding several pictures beside the text makes it look great. As far as the text goes, you did a great job of telling the story. Your character development is great. I understood very clearly the type of person you were making Petros to be. Additionally, you did a great job of providing background context on Odysseus, Penelope, and the whole situation. I don't have any form of suggestions for you. That was one of the better stories I've read this semester. Great work!


  21. Hi Caitlin,
    I wanted to hop over to Indian Epics class. I am from Myth and Folklore. I think your concept of blending Greek mythology and Indian Epics is a great idea. I also really love the layout and colors of your blog. I really loved how much background information was incorporated in your Introduction; it really helped me understand what was going on and what I had to look forward to. I am very impressed by your story and layout. I think you chose perfect images and color schemes for your blog. Overall I really like your story and think that you have done a great job. Keep up the good work and I hope you have a happy dead week!


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