Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 6, Story Laboratory

Advice to Writers ---- bibliography 

So this piece is some interviews and quotes from writers giving advice. I am so excited because my future will contain so much writing. I would like to also write a book one day, so these snippets of a master's mind are valuable paragraphs. Personally, I ended up looking for reallyu interesting thoughts or individuals I respected. 

Richard Russo gave some advice about thinking about what you have to do today. When you think about an entire novel, it is overwhelming, but pacing yourself with the three pages on Monday-- it is incredibly achievable. It is useless to worry about the future, it will only slow down the current process. Even not working on a novel, this is important. I change my mind so much. If I worry about the end, I won't get through the middle that shapes the end naturally. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda critique our current society and my study habits with a story of his childhood. He encouraged creators to learn to stay in their head present and not get distracted. It is so easy to get distracted with how fast the world spins and the millions of tiny screams of the world vying for my attention. His friend distracted himself for three hours with a stick and this inspired him to step his imagination game. When I was younger, and I would just sit there and think with myself, my world meant so much more to me. It was so much more entertaining and I thought so deeply about so many concepts. Now I don't have time for any of that, or I am constantly distracted during that time. If I allow myself to check out of reality more, my conceptualization of reality will be so much more fulfilling and my work that much more original. 

Elie Wiesel said writers write because they have to. I wonder if he thought that because his world was mostly one before the high speed of technology. His imagination was not stiffed by the workaholic nature of our society. He said the characters would suffocate him if they did not escape so I wonder if that means if in all of his characters, a piece of his own character or personality lays. He is one of my favorite people and authors to ever exist, so I am incredibly intrigued by the guess into his genius. 
Elie Wiesel at different stages of his life

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