Friday, April 5, 2019

Week 11 Story

Downtown Story

A young couple moved to New York City to work on Wall Street. The wife, Pam, was a stock broker, and the husband, Eric, worked in a firm. They were from the West Coast, so none of their family and friends were from the area. They had no emergency contacts or anyone to rely on. Pam was incredibly scared that they would have no where to turn in case of an emergency. Also, New Yorkers keep to themselves and don't go out of their way to help strangers often, so they couldn't hope for random acts of kindness.

Image result for new york city
New York City
Pam was concerned they didn't know anyone so she forced Eric to make friends. He made friends at the gym, work, and a alumnae association. Their names are Jacob, Daniel, and Andrew.

Years later Pam and Eric started their family and had twin girls.

Image result for twins
Cute Twins
They were incredibly happy. Their career were going great and loved being parents. However, when the young family was going to the park one day, their uber was involved in a car crash. The girls were unscathed, but both parents were hurt.

The friends Pam forced Eric to make, stepped up during the time it took Pam and Eric to recover, and helped take care of the girls until their family could come and visit. Jacob would stay with the girls during the morning because he worked in the afternoon. Daniel would take the girls with his kids during the days, and Andrew watched the girls at night.

Author's Note 

I based this story off of the Hawk and the Osprey. I stayed pretty true to the story, but I changed the characters to people and setting to New York City. I did this because I could see this situation arising there. Its really scary to move to a place without connections, and someone has likely been forced to make friends before. In the actual story the Hawk is threatened by a hunter, but because I changed them to people, that was a lot less realistic. A car crash is more realistic and is something 1/3 experience in their lifetime.


  1. Hi Caitlin!
    I loved how short and sweet this story is. It's so sad that the parents got hurt in the car wreck but I was so relieved to see that the two girls weren't hurt and their parents had friends to help take care of them until they recovered. (The picture of the twins is soooo freaking cute). The one grammatical error I saw was under the picture of the babies, "Their career were going great..." just add an s at the end of careers and you'll be good!

  2. Hey Caitlin!
    I liked how you made the story fit a modern day situation. New York might be one of the places that you are least likely to spot a random act of kindness, so it's nice to see how those three friends were able to step up. I'm from Illinois and one of the main reasons that I was okay with coming to OU was that I have family here who could help me out in case of that emergency. So I definitely know what Pam and Eric were feeling!

  3. Hi Caitlin,

    I like the modern take on the story. I can only imagine how moving to NYC is... moving from my hometown to Norman was scary enough. There were a few places that could use a comma or two, just to clarify sentences. I really enjoyed the story and I think that picture of the twins is soooo adorable!

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