Friday, April 12, 2019

Storylab Week 12

Writers Write

Why Method Writing Makes You a Better Author  Amanda Patterson

Actors use method acting--- some do, only the really intense and traditional ones. The definition of method acting also sucks. Method actors do not leave their character and live. Their definitions basically just normal acting. 

Their perspective about using method for writing is interesting though. I think it is already good writing. I don't remember the exact quote but basically it says every character an author writes has a piece of them. SO is this version of method writing real? Or is it just normal writing? Does this author know what method is? 

What's the Difference between an Autobiography or Memoir? Amanda Patterson

So I read this because I recently read an article that life is sexist (who would have thought) and that women writing about their life are more likely to be filed as memoir and men are more likely to be filed as an autobiography even though they site themselves more. Women can barely mention themselves and still be filed as a memoir. Annoying!

Image result for memoir

Autobiography's have to be focus on an entire life, the feel of a historical document, specific dates, and written by a famous person.

A memoir can be written by and one and is representation of a memory. It focuses on a memory and more emotional. They are not interchangeable. 

I bet why women are filed more as memoirs because people think they are more emotional and that's so annoying.

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