Friday, April 5, 2019

Eastern Stories and Legends Part D

Eastern Stories and Legends

The Crow That Thought It Knew

The Bodhisatta became a marsh crow named Viraka the strong. There was a famine and people could not give food to the animals. The crows went to the woods. A crow became Viraka's servant because he didn't know how to fish. Eventually he became emaciated but he died trying to fish. His wife realized he was missing.

The Judas Tree

Brahmadatta, the King of Benares, had four sons. The sent for the charioteer to see a judas tree. He showed them one at a time and the tree was in different stages. They were confused why it was all different and their dad told them to be more specific with their questions.
Image result for judas tree
A Judas Tree

River-Fish and the Monkey

The Bodisatta wasborn in the family of a landed proprietor. He became a wealthy man. He took up some of his dad's business after his dad passed away. He was generous but his brother was greedy. He was trying to trick his brother out of money, but the spirits were on his brother's side. A fisherman gave him a fish with the parcel of money so he got it back.

The Dreamer in the Wood

Buddha lived alone in the woods. He ate wild fruits, flowers, and leaves. A divine being Sakka asked him to be free of malice, hatred, and greed. He understood why and made the tree bear fruit perenially and if he stayed there he was without disease.

The Rice Measure

Btahmadatta was king in Benares and the Bodisat was his valuer. He got a peasant to value things for him. A horse dealer bribed the valuer to see if he was corrupt. It ashamed the king and he drove out the fool.

The Poisonous Trees

Bodhisatta was born a merchant. He was trading with 500 wagons. He came to a town that had a poisonous what-fruit tree outside of it. Some people ate it but the Bodhisatta saved them.
Image result for mango

The Well-Trained Elephant

The Bodhisatta was born a white elephant. He got so much praise that the king got jealous. The king challenged him. The king tried to get him killed. He made him work really hard. He divided his kingdom in three portions. 

The Wise Physician 

Kisagotami had a fairy tale life. But her son died. She went to Buddha for answers and he could help him. He sent her to get some ingredients. He taught her that the living are few and the dead are many. Our system is not permanent. 

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