Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Eastern Stories and Legends Part B

The Bull That Demanded Fair Treatment

The Bodisat came to life as a bull, and a Brahmin treated him like his son. He was treated so well that he thought no other ox could drag the weight he could. There was a bet made with a squire and a hundred carts were filled to see who was stronger. The bull won and the Brahmin won 2000.

The Bull That Proved His Gratitude

When the Bodisat was still a bull, his owners stopped at an old woman's house and they gave him to her. He became friends with the village children. The Bodisat was grazing and a village cattle owner wanted to buy him but could not find the owner so he tried to take him. The children stopped him. 
Image result for cow india

The Horse That Held Out to the End

Buddha came to life as a small thoroughbred horse and was made the King's Destrier. He was treated well. A knight wanted him for a fight. When they were taking of his mail he passed away. He was buried with great honors. 

The Monkey That Saved the Herd

Buddha was reborn as the King of the monkeys, all 80,000 monkeys. He warned the monkeys about poisoned trees and haunted lakes. They came to a haunted lake and got around the haunt by using straws. 

The Mallard That Asked for Too Much

Buddha was born a Brahmin and was married to a bride and they had three daughters. After his death he was born a Golden mallard. He was determined to give his golden feathers to his family so they could live comfortably. One by one they would take one and became wealthy. The mother was scared that they could not trust him and they should pluck him clean. The daughters refused. In greed the mother plucked them against his wish and then they became cranes feathers, worthless. 

The Merchant Who Overcame All Obstacles

Buddha was born in a merchant's family and he grew up and began trafficking with five hundred carts. He arrived at a desert 20 leagues across. The sand was very fine and hot. They had to travel at night.  After one night they ended up at the same encampment they were earlier. But they found a stream and made an oasis. They sold they fares there. 

The Elephant That Was Honored in Old Age

Buddha was a Prime Minister that served the King. There was a great Elephant who served as a messenger. SHe earned many great ornaments until she grew old and they were taken away. One night she was not yoked to the cart and it made the King mad. She plead her case that she was not an Oxen and hearing that the King restored her to her former place of honor. 

The Faithful Friend

The Bodisat became the Brahma-datta's minsister. At that time a dog would do to the state elephant's stable and eat the rice that fell. The animals became friends. A peasant bought the dog one day, the the elephant became depressed. The bodisat knew why and the King was very thankful. 
Image result for indian elephant

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