Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mahabharata Part C

Mahabharata Part C

Pandavas were exiled in the forest for a 12 years and hung out with sages. Krishna comes and hangs out and told them what Draupadi said about her situation. She questions god she is so angry. Arjuna goes off on his own to to acquire weapons to face Duryodhana.

     Arjuna's dad Indra brought him to celestial cities for five years. He hung out with Urvashi a apsara who was beautiful and exploded the Himalayas. While he was gone his brothers  were were at Kamyaka. They met back together in the himalayas.
     Hanuman is still here and is the half brother of Bhima. Bhima stumbled upon him in the forest and he recounted the stories of Rama.

Duryodhana was humiliated in front of the Pandavas again. He tried to fight with the celestial spirits and his courtiers and royals ladies were taken prisoners. Karna fled but promised to kill Arjuna. When he was born he was born he was clad in armor and they were a tour of invincibility. So Indra, works to protect Arjuna. They had to take the tokens of invincibility from him by trading them for an invincible dart.

Draupadi face great danger in the forest and was taken by Jayadratha, Rajah of Sindhu. Bhima spared his life but cut of his hair and made him a slave.

The final year of their exile was spent in hiding. They went to the court of King Virata and entered his service. Draupadi was almost raped but none of her husbands could help because they were hiding. Bhima defended her in secret.

Duryodhana and his allies attack King Virata and steal his cattle so the Pandavas come to his defense. When he found out about Arjuna fight he offered his daughter. This fight made war almost inevitable. Arjuna married off his son and made the alliance greater. Krishna goes on Arjuna's side, but he kept trying to be a peace maker at the battle of Kurukshetra.

Karna still does not know the Pandavas are his brothers. Krishna reveals the secret to him and tells him to go to them in peace. He went to their mother and talked to her.

All got to together to fight. He also do Yuyutsu to join him. So many people joined him. Krishna talks Arjuna to fight becuase he did not want to fight his relatives. Abbimanyu, Arjuna's son, went after Bhishma's prowess. On the eighth day, Ghatokacha slayed Durodhana's son.

The Battle



Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 6, Story Laboratory

Advice to Writers ---- bibliography 

So this piece is some interviews and quotes from writers giving advice. I am so excited because my future will contain so much writing. I would like to also write a book one day, so these snippets of a master's mind are valuable paragraphs. Personally, I ended up looking for reallyu interesting thoughts or individuals I respected. 

Richard Russo gave some advice about thinking about what you have to do today. When you think about an entire novel, it is overwhelming, but pacing yourself with the three pages on Monday-- it is incredibly achievable. It is useless to worry about the future, it will only slow down the current process. Even not working on a novel, this is important. I change my mind so much. If I worry about the end, I won't get through the middle that shapes the end naturally. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda critique our current society and my study habits with a story of his childhood. He encouraged creators to learn to stay in their head present and not get distracted. It is so easy to get distracted with how fast the world spins and the millions of tiny screams of the world vying for my attention. His friend distracted himself for three hours with a stick and this inspired him to step his imagination game. When I was younger, and I would just sit there and think with myself, my world meant so much more to me. It was so much more entertaining and I thought so deeply about so many concepts. Now I don't have time for any of that, or I am constantly distracted during that time. If I allow myself to check out of reality more, my conceptualization of reality will be so much more fulfilling and my work that much more original. 

Elie Wiesel said writers write because they have to. I wonder if he thought that because his world was mostly one before the high speed of technology. His imagination was not stiffed by the workaholic nature of our society. He said the characters would suffocate him if they did not escape so I wonder if that means if in all of his characters, a piece of his own character or personality lays. He is one of my favorite people and authors to ever exist, so I am incredibly intrigued by the guess into his genius. 
Elie Wiesel at different stages of his life

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mahabharata Part B


Vidura was never considered eligible for king because his mom was a handmaiden, but he was a member Dhritarasthra's court. However, he was loyal to the Pandavas. He kept them from burning alive in Duryodhana's plot. The Pandavas moved back into the wilderness and faced dangers there like a monster. The monster's sister like Bhima and wanted to marry him and decided to rescue him from the monster, but Bhima could not leave his family. Bhima fought her brother and slayed him, then married Hidimbi. They had a son. 

The rest of the family left and was taken in by another who pestered by a cruel chief named Baka who required high taxes. The queen wished Bhima was there and then he appeared. He defeated the chief with a tree. The family came out of hiding to win the fair bride in Panchala, Draupadi. 

Drupada hoped Arjuna would marry his daughter, so he made a great bow because of the great Pandava archer. Many men tried, and Karna was able to pull back the bow. Arjuna did it still disguised as a brahmin but Drupada recognized him. Their mother accidentally promised all her sons to Draupadi, so all five became her husband. She had a son with each of them. Her father used them to secure his kingdom.

Life with 5 husbands is hard and Arjuna messed up and went on a exile in the jungle for 12 years. He met Ulupi, the daughter of Vasuki, king of Nagas, and spent time with her. They had a son named Iravat. Vasuki had gifted that he would never be overcome with any animal of the water. So when he was bit by the crocodile that was actually a nymph he won. The crocs coulc not be nymphs unless he dragged them to shore. 

Arjuna marries Chitra, the daughter of the King of Manipur and they have a son. The king was scared to have his daughter marry him because he wanted the royal succession to live on, so the son stays in Manipur. He also married Krishna's sister by stealing her, Subhadra, who was going to marry his cousin Duroydhana. She had one son with him, Abhimanyu. 

Arjuna and his BFF Krishna defeated the demon Maya. He built a palace for them and made their cousin even more jealous. Their uncle Durodhana could not find his way around it well. As the Pandavas became so powerful their wife's dad decided to declare himself supreme ruler. He invited his enemies to his palace to tell them and when they objected they slayed them. 

Parcheesi can cause a gambling addiction. He invited Yudhishthira to play against Duryodhana. He lost everything, even his wife, which was illegal. She was not a fan of the circumstances for she did not do anything wrong and was being punished. Bhima swears terrible oaths and tries to get revenge. There is a second match but it went just as bad. 

Image result for parcheesi
Parcheesi: It is only $29.95


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Mahabharata: Part A

The Mahabharata Public Domain Part A

The Mahabharata was written by Vyasa. It contained everything a man should know of the earth and of heaven. Brahama told him that Ganesha would be his scribe, but he couldn't stop moving his pen.
      There was a king called Uparichara, King of Chedi, who was incredibly devoted to asceticism. They sent Indra to bribe him with a care because they were threatened on his devotion. One day he was fly and his semen fell into a river, and ten months later, two children, a boy and a girl, were caught in a fish. The king took the boy, but left the girl to the fisherman. She was beautiful but smelled like fish. One day the rishi Parashara persuaded to yield his embraces that if she did she would lose her smell, but she had to remain a virgin. She had a baby called Vyasa. 

King Bharata was the sire of King Hastin who built Hastinapura. King Shantanu, the grandson of King Bharata, had a beautiful wife, the goddess Ganga of the Ganges river. She killed 7 babies, and this ruined the father. He broke their wedding vow, and she took the last baby. When she finally returned she left a power youth named Devavrata. 

Satyavati, Vyasa's mother, becomes the love interest of King Shantanu. Her father refused to consent to her marrying him until he promised that her son would be inherit his throne, but he could not do that because of his son and left. Devavrata then denounced his claim to the throne became Brishma  then so the Satyavati and the king were married. They had two sons Vichitravirya and Chitrangada. when Shantanu dies, he does not become king. 

Bhishma became responsible for finding his brothers. He went after the daughters of the king of Benares- Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika. He was the best archer so he was able to seize all the maidens so one of the girls might marry his brother. Amba was rejected by Bhishma, and she took refuge in a hermitage. She prayed for so long his destruction, Shiva, told her to slay him and asked for a new body.  Despite two wives, the genealogy did not carry on and no children were produced. Vyasa then became married the women and had children with them and a handmaiden. The son with no defect was named Vidura and was the incarnation of Dharma. Pandu (the pale one) was eventually put on the throne. 
King Pandu married two wives: Kunti and Madri. Kunti had a son out of wedlock with Surya, the God of the Sun. She sent it down the river in shame and it was adopted by Radha and Adhiratha who could not have children. Pandu went hunting and accidentally killed a sage in disguise. He took vows of celibacy and hid in solitary because had been cursed to die in his wives arms. He died in Madri's arms and she was buried with him. His sons were the Pandava brothers, the five princes. 

His blind brother took the throne for him until the princes came to age. His wife became the mother to a hundred sons, the Kauravas, the eldest Duryodhana. Duryodhana was to be an evil man. Kunti brought her sons from the mountains to Hastinapura where they would live with the Kauravas. Duryodhana hates his cousin and he attempts to kill Bhima, the second oldest Pandavas. Bhima goes to the Underworld king Nagas and becomes supernaturally strong but kept it a secret form his cousins. 

Drona was a teacher to the cousins. He was friends with King Drupada but they grew to hate each other. Pandavas are better students and this causes more tensions. The oldest P Yudhishthira was a spear man and scholar. Arjuna was the best warrior and they were the most jealous of him. Bhil wanted to be one of Drona's scholar. He was aboriginal. 

Now that the boys have completed their education they will compete in a tournament. In a mock fight Duryodhana takes it deadly serious and Arjuna is the best. When Arjuna wins, Karna, appears and neither knows they are brothers. Karnu joined the side of Duryodhana. Karnu got help from the sun and people doubted Arjuna. Since the boys are done, they had to pay, and he demanded that the boys bring revenge against King Drupada.  The cousins could not agree when to attack and the Kaurvas were defeated. The Pandavas rushed against them and overcame them. Drona took half of the kingdom because the Kaurvas failed. Duryodhana was jealous of their successes.  He planned to set fire to the palace. 


Friday, February 15, 2019

Week 5 Story: William and Kate

William and Kate 

Princesses tend not to rule. Their brothers steal the throne because of misogynist rules, but that does not mean they do not have any power in high society. Often, they negotiate their marriages to make peace with foreign powers and their husbands regard them as the most important part of their life. This aspect of this life makes them increasingly vulnerable.

Kate and William, part of the English royal family, were a happy couple with three beautiful children until Kate was kidnapped by the Spanish prince Ferdinand. Ferdinand's sister, Cressida Bonas, was broken up with William's brother Harry, and he leaked ill information about her to the press. Ferdinand repeatedly tried to get Kate to leave William for him, but she refused.

William went to war with all of Spain for Kate. First during the battle of Madrid, Ferdinand sent the solider Sebastian to fight the rest of the English soldiers, and went to fight William. But he couldn't defeat him by himself. So, Diego, Ferdinand's brother, who was incredibly mighty and giant, decided to join the battle, to face off directly with William. He joined later because Ferdinand's Father sent him to Southern Spain and it took him time to get to Madrid. He devastated the English Army, but William was able to defeat him. His defeat doom Ferdinand. Without Diego, Ferdinand was easily defeated.

William, winning the war, and continuing English dominance over Spain, began to search for Kate. He found her safe and true. They were able to return to their family and continue raising their young children. They will remain happy until the next scandal Harry creates or the next crash William's grandpa causes.
The British Royal Family

Author's Notes

So I used the story of Kumbhakarna from Ramyana. As a quick review, Kumbhakarna is Ravana's giant brother who sleeps for 6 months and had to be awoken. I changed the story and made it modern and secular. Also, I added some of the drama of the British Royal family because in a modern world, princes would not go to war because one cut off a princess's nose, so I wanted to give it a sense of plausibility. I added the first paragraph to place the story in pre-modern time and to add more to the plausibility factor. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Nine Ideal Women: Part B


Indrajit was married to a beautiful girl named Promila who loved him dearly. Indrajit's brother, Birbahoo, was killed by Rama. His old nurse was sent from his parents to tell him. He had to go to the capitol and avenge his family, but promise to return that evening. When he did not return that evening, she decided to set out. Everyone tried to stop her because the enemies camp was along the way. She dressed as a knight and headed toward Lanka. She was stopped by Hanuman, but she used her brain to freely pass. 

The next day. Indrajit planned to fight Rama. That night they prayed to their family god Agni. Indrajit went without weapons because he went to pray. Lakshimana crept in to kill him because he was scared of his brother facing him. Indrajit defended himself with the altar ornaments then tried to run to get his sword but his uncle was holding the door. His uncle was on Lakshimana's side however. 

After Indrajit died, Promila asked permission to go with him, She could not live without him. Their souls raised together to god. 
Promila riding to Lanka


When the sage, Menka,  broke his vow of celibacy he abandoned his daughter to the Sakuntala Bird. Kanva and Goutami found her and raised her naming her after the bird. She was incredibly beautiful. 

She and her sisters were talking one day when they were approached by the great Maharajah Dushmanta. He was enchanted with Sakuntala and wanted her to be his queen. He waited many days for her father to come home. He could not wait any longer because his kingdom needed him so Goutami consented for him and they married. He gave her a ring and told her that he would send for her. 

Many months passed and she was expecting. Her parents wanted to send her so their child would be born at his estate, But she begged to keep waiting. She was scared to go to an unknown kingdom. So she went with her "uncles" and her aunt. 

When they got there, the king acted like he never married Sakuntala.  She went to give him the ring, but it was gone. They left the city and went to the forest. 

Two fishermen tried to return a ring that they had actually stolen from Sakuntala to the king and his memory was restored. He spent four years looking for her, vowing not to rule without her. Until one day he passed two ladies and a little boy. He found a boy playing with a tiger cub. He led her to his mother. Where he finally found Sakuntala. They returned to the palace until their son could rule, then lived a simple life.


Nine Ideal Indian Women, By Maharanee Sunity Devee 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Nine Ideal Indian Women:Part A


The King-Farmer named Janaka was childless. One day he came upon a gold pitcher in the ground with a baby girl inside. Everyone rejoiced and welcomed the baby girl. She was incredibly beautiful. A year later, King Janaka's wife gave birth to a daughter and his sister-in-law gave birth to twins. 

Many people wanted to marry Sita. The great Brahamin Parashurama left a bow and told him to grant her hand to who ever breaks it, if someone did before he returned. Prince Rama showed up at about 16 years old. He and Sita fell immediately in love, and he was able to break the bow. A Sun-Prince for a Moon-Princess! Janaka and Mithila were very sad about losing their princess. They would miss her greatly. 

As they were leaving, Parashurama was returning and met the the marriage procession. He wanted to fight Rama for marrying Sita and breaking his bow. Parashurama challenged him to string him another bow, and Rama did it easily, defeating Parashurama without a fight. 

Keykaya, one of Dasaratha's favorite wife, was found in a disorderly fashion. She told the king a terrible statement, that she wanted Rama to be banished and he son Bharata to be crowned. Rama had to go because it was his duty, and Sita and Rama's brother went with him. 

While they were exiled, the pair were in in the woods, away from civilization. A woman, Surpanakha, the sister of Ravana, approached Rama and tried to seduce him. He told her he was already married and to try Lakshmana, he cut off her nose. Maricha pretended to be Rama, dying, but Lakshmana did not leave until he drew protective lines on the ground. An old Yogi approached Sita, who was actually Ravan Sita. The yogi was extremely starving, so Sita gathered him some fruit and pulled her out of the lines by her outstretched arm. Ravan then took Sita on his chariot to Lanka, where he begged her to marry him, but she refused.
Sita asks Rama to get the Golden Deer

Sita while in captivity became friends with Sarama, the wife of Bibbisan, and told her of the plans of the her rescue mission. Sita listened to the entire battle between Rama and Ravana. Rama refused to look at her, and he wanted to know if she was still true to him. He doubted her fidelity, but she passed a test by fire (Agni). 

Rama and Sita returned after 14 years, and Bharata welcomed them. Everyone but Queen KeyKeya welcomed them and Rama forgave her and thanked her for the lessons he learned. 

Rama decided to desert Sita but couldn't do it himself and made his brother do it. She was taken in by the sage  Valmiki and gave birth to Lava and Kusha. The boys were not told who their father was growing up. When her sons defeated their uncle and confronted their father and learned of their royal blood, Rama asked for Sita to returned. Sita did not want any reconciliation and returned to her mother, Mother Earth, because she could give no other proof of her chaste than fire. 


Nine Ideal Indian Women, By Maharanee Sunity Devee 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Story Lab: Words

Ted Ed Videos: Grammar

I love grammar. Celts in Britain were protected by the Romans from the Angle Saxon until the Roman Empire fell apart. The, the island was invaded and Old English was formed. Old Norse eventually worked its way in with Viking influence. French aristocracy also brought in Latin and French influences. They usually were to sound fancy. Peasantry has a connotation in Saxon original words, and nobility connotations has its origins in French and Latin.

Tense tells past, present, or future. Simple is not continuous or ended. Imperfect is ongoing. Perfect is completed. These rules work with every tense. Other languages have different tenses. Some do not have tense. Are there different ways of looking at time?

Many books have created Cong Langs, Constructed Languages-- like Tolkien's Elvish. They are real languages because they have real grammar. Also, they change over time and become many languages. Also, they have exceptions.

There are 170,000 words in English vocabulary. About half of it's words are stolen from other languages. English lends words to other languages too. Also, it combine words too-- spork. Obsolete words also get new meanings or the opposite meaning through irony. Ordinary people make the decisions of what words catch on.

The semicolon can exert more force than a comma. It can join independent clauses that at are connected, bringing fluidity to paragraphs.  But, don't put them in front of a conjunction.

When showing possession apostrophes belong next to the noun. But after s is an stylistic issue. Just stay consistent. Also, its only takes an apostrophe when it is a contraction.

There are few linguistic universals. Differences on these are debated. Writing was standardize very recently of one way to speak. Speech is much more adaptable because we use it quickly. Descriptiveness gives an insight to the way mind sight works. Grammar is a mind sight of life.

Author's Note

So I love Grammar--- give me some sentences to diagram, so I chose to watch these videos. However, I enjoyed the history of language videos more. My favorite parts of my Latin class is learning words that have come from my vocab words. It was interesting to learn about other words origin stories. 


Does Grammar Matter?- Andreea S. Calude

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Ramayana: D

Ramayana D

Rama and the army of monkeys and bears had to get across the water to Lanka. So Rama prayed to the God of the Ocean and he sent him to Mala, the son of Vishwakarman, the divine artisan. He built him a bridge to construct bridges, "Rama's Bridge," so the armies could cross.

Ravana had great powers of illusion and he was using them to cause Sita despair. He pretended to be a monkey who came with news that Rama had been slained, but Sita knew it was a trick.

Rama's army advances and attacks Lanka. Indrajit, the son of Ravana, used his magic and became invisible. But Garuda saved the day with his mighty power. But, Ravana's best warrior is his brother Kumbhakarna, but he was asleep and had an enormous appetite. He then defeated Hanuman and seized Sugriva. He and Indrajit made an almost unbeatable team. Hanuman carried the Medicine Hill back Lanka to help. Indrajit used his magic to make it appear Sita has been slain, but Vibhishana tells Rama what is happening and makes him aware of a place where he can ambush Indrajit. Lakshmana then slays Indrajit. Ravana tries to enact his revenge on Lashmana for killing his son,  but he did not suceed because Hanuman returned. 

The Gods planned for Rama to defeat Ravana, so Indra set his chariot and charioteer, Matali, to help Rama. Agastya gave Rama words of advice, and Rama fought the demons Ravana made. Then using the Brahma-weapon, Rama defeated Ravana. 

Mandodari, Ravana's chief wife, morns his passing. Then Vibhishana conducts lights Ravan's funeral. Rama then ebgins to search for Sita. Sita demands to test her honor because she lived in another man's house. She calls upon the fire-god, Agni, to test her fidelity to Rama by fire. The fire proved Sita true and Rama finally believed her purity. 

Rama and Sita fly back to Ayodhya in the chariot that belonged to Ravana. Their exile has ended and they return just in time so Bharata did commit suicide. After 14 years of exile, Rama is crowned king. 

The sorrows of Sita had not ended and Rama sends Sita into exile because he doubted her fidelity. She soon in her exile gave birth to two sons, Lava and Kusha. Valmiki, the sage, taught them of their father, but never told them of their connection. Rama realizes the connection and confront fronts Sita. She told him that she never thought of anyone but him and returned to Heaven. 

After Rama's brother Lakshmana left, Rama decided it was time for him to return as Vishnu. He tied up his lose ends, and returned to the the heavens in his own form with his brothers.



Monday, February 4, 2019

Ramanaya Part C

Part C

 Hanuman, the messenger of Sugriva, disguised himself as a beggar to overtake Rama and Lakshmana when they wandered about the lake country. He was the best of the monkeys and who they were seeking. He agreed to help them find Sita. Hanuman's brother, Vali, behaved very badly, and Rama felt sorrowful and revengeful for his friend Sugriva.

The wife of King Vali, Tara, learned Rama had aligned himself with the other side. She begged her husband not to fight Sugriva. Vali goes out and fights Sugriva and Rama hides until he ambushes. He kills Vali very dishonorably. All grieve for the dead king and Sugriva becomes King. However, he cannot help him until the rainy season ends. Also by terms of his exile Rama has to stay in the wilderness and he finds it very hard to sit there and wait.

Sugriva sent out expiditions in all directions after the rainy season ends. The party that went south includes Hanuman, Anganda, and Jambavan. Eventually, they found a vulture named Sampati who told them information after hearing about his brother Jatayu. He told them that Sita was in Lanka. The journey was very difficult and Hunuman was the only one who could make it to Lanka. 

In Lanka it was very hard to find Sita. She was hidden in a grove of ashoka tree guarded by rakashasis, not in the palace. He also watched Ravana try to persuade Sita to leave Rama for Ravana. Sita had never met Hanuman before so at first she rejected him as a trick from Ravana. Then he showed her the ring of Rama and she believed him. She refused to be touched by any man other than Rama so she would not let Hanuman carry her away but she sent him with a token proving her existence. Ravana had only allowed her 2 months to live if she continued to refuse him.

Hanuman was not happy with just finding Sita, he smashed the Ashoka grove. Prince Aksha captured him and brought him to his dad. Ravana then set Hanuman's tail on fire. The fire spread to all of lanka and burned the island. Sita stayed safe, and Hanuman left to bring a rescue team.

Hanuman and his army returned to where King Sugriva and Rama were. They decided to march on Lanka to get Sita.

Ravana gathered a council to decided what to do. They didn't know where to give back Sita or not. Ravana's younger brother, Vibhishana, alone opposes war. He is kicked out because of his view and goes and joins Rama.
Vibhishana bowing to Rama
Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition

Storybook research

So I decided to look further into Nala Damayanti. It is related to the Hindu story of Nal and Damayanti, so I looked further into it. It is very close to Nala Damayanti.They both contain themes of love, deceit, and war. Nal and Damayanti were destined to struggle as a couple. While Nal was a great ruler and a high intellect, their kingdom was attacked by four planets and destroyed their wealth. They fought for happiness and their kingdom.

Their story is also related to Odysseus and Penelope's relationship. It is a subsection of Homer's Odyssey. Penelope waited 20 years for her husband's return, despite 108 possible suitors. She is a symbol of fidelity because of this long Chasity.

These two stories relate to Nala Damayanti. I wonder how their love despite the circumstances would interact with a family of lesser circumstances. I like how it has been redone and influenced other stories I am familiar with so I could place it in another region of the world. Also, King Nala lost everything in a gambling match. I could use this failure and transform it into a more modern turn and talk about their struggles they overcome. Addiction is a struggle millions struggle with and this story captures it.
Nala Damayanti

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Feedback Strategies: growing with criticism

Growing with Criticism

Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise? 

This was an interesting article. The managers they interviewed hated giving positive criticism or praise. They only wanted to do their job and make sure everything was right. I understand that. Every job I have had, I have sat in a limbo where I have not been told I am not doing anything terrible, but I don't know if its exceptional. Its so sad that people are scared to be nice because they don't to single someone out or make the relationship between manager and subordinate different. I hold an office on campus and after reading this, I will work hard to give praise because what we do is volunteer and I might as well boost people for doing something they don't even have to. I don't know if I have done this, because I have never consciously felt the fear some managers described, but I hope I have not. Praise makes everyone feel better, even you.

Five Reasons to Stop Saying "Good Job!

So, I didn't like this article. I know people worked hard to find this information, but it goes against what is taught in almost any psychology class. Also, it is so pessimistic of the world. We should tell good job for the little victories, so the giant failures do not seem as harsh. Also, not every parenting trick is going to screw a child up when they are a toddler. Is the later emotional development that really is make or break. Also, their citations are questionable. In academia, the University of Northern Iowa is not held in high esteem, and they only had one other citation. Thus, I'm going to continue saying good job to children when they learn something new in a scary world where they are trying new things they don't know how to do when they do them right. 
How I feel about the articles

Topic Research:

The Avatars of Vishnu

So Rama, who I have been reading about is a avatar of Vishnu, so that is interesting. Then there are also other avatars. Vishnu descends to restore cosmic order. I looked to see the first 10 avatars, Dashavatara. It is interesting to me that Rama is the 7th. Also, the different forms he takes are interesting. His first avatar is a fish, and the second is a tortoise. I love how other animals can save the world and the focus is not only on humans, but on every living thing. This balance would interesting to write about with how there are so many endangered animals today. I could rewrite the story of an avatar in modern times with modern themes.

Vishnu and his Avatars

Women of the Ramayana

There are many women with many degrees of involvement in the Ramayana, from Sita to her sister in- law Urmila, and even women in the monkey world. Their involvement is vital to the story, and sometimes they do the pivotal acts. I am very interest in Sita's story since i have read so much about her thus far. She is a very powerful woman, and I wonder how her story would be like if she had more focus as an individual, not a wife. She has a very sad story because she was sent away for becoming pregnant. Her purity was question, despite holding true to Rama many times. I would like to explore this more. 

Sage and Gurus

The sages and Gurus are interesting. They are very influential to any story they are in because the power they hold. They are more than teachers, they mold everyone they interact with into better people, unlike the "gurus" of modern life. Vishvamitra is a very interesting one. His interactions in Ramayana are wise, and he allows him to succeed.  There are so many stories I could write about a sage, specifically Vsihvamitra. He is not only involved in Ramayana, but other epics as well. I like the idea of him guiding and avatar, but I want to know more about other sages first.

Tech Tip: Blogger Design Templates

Tech Tip You can play with the design, not just the information on the blog to impact the experience of the reader. You do this by changi...