Friday, April 26, 2019

Tech Tip: Blogger Design Templates

Tech Tip

You can play with the design, not just the information on the blog to impact the experience of the reader. You do this by changing the color scheme, back ground image, and more. 

To do so you click the link in the top navigation bar or go to the website. Then, click on the design options menu and choose theme. Click the customize button to see different themes. Example-- Travel

Then you can change these further by customizing the background, widths, layout, and color. 

I went and played on my blog and I changed the color scheme slightly. I wasn't quite happy with it, and now I might be! I change my blog a lot. It changes like my mood to be honest. 

Story Week 14

Revised Story

Princesses through out history tend not to rule. Their brothers steal the throne because of misogynist rules, but that does not mean they do not have any power in high society. Often, they negotiate their marriages to make peace with foreign powers and their husbands regard them as the most important part of their life. This aspect of this life makes them increasingly vulnerable.

Megan and Harry, part of the English royal family, were a happy couple with three beautiful children until Megan was kidnapped by the Spanish prince Ferdinand. Ferdinand's sister, Cressida Bonas, was broken up with Harry's cousin, and he leaked ill information about her to the press. She was devastated she lost her spot in Buckingham Palace and was humiliated. Ferdinand repeatedly tried to get Megan to leave Harry for him, but she refused.

Harry went to war with all of Spain for Megan. He spent many years when he was younger in the army in Afghanistan and was very skilled. First during the battle of Madrid, Ferdinand sent the solider Sebastian to fight the rest of the English soldiers, and went to fight Harry. But he couldn't defeat him by himself. So, Diego, Ferdinand's brother, who was incredibly mighty and giant, decided to join the battle, to face off directly with Harry. He joined later because Ferdinand's Father sent him to Southern Spain and it took him time to get to Madrid. He devastated the English Army, but Harry was able to defeat him. His defeat doom Ferdinand. Without Diego, Ferdinand was easily defeated.

Harry, winning the war, and continuing English dominance over Spain, began to search for Megan. He found her safe and true. They were able to return to their family and continue raising their young children, along with bringing the royal family to modernity. They will remain happy until the next scandal William creates or the next crash Harry's grandpa causes.
The British Royal Family

Author's Notes

So I used the story of Kumbhakarna from Ramyana. As a quick review, Kumbhakarna is Ravana's giant brother who sleeps for 6 months and had to be awoken. I changed the story and made it modern and secular. Also, I added some of the drama of the British Royal family because in a modern world, princes would not go to war because one cut off a princess's nose, so I wanted to give it a sense of plausibility. I added the first paragraph to place the story in pre-modern time and to add more to the plausibility factor. 


So turns out William has been cheating on Kate despite the fact that she has been suffering to give him heirs and is so out of his league. I changed the story from William and Kate to Harry to Megan. They are more fun anyway and are actually in the twenty first century so I was able to update some parts of their life. I also went in and corrected some sentences. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reading Wednesday

Sita Sings the Blues By Nina Paley

Dave is terrible and breaks up with Nina by email while she is in New York. She doesn't take it well and grieves. 

Sita tells Rama she is pregnant. A laundry man beats his wife and accuses her of being unfaithful--most damning he compares her to Sita. Sita incredibly pregnant is abandoned in the forst by Lakshmana. 

Nina moves to Brooklyn and dreams about Dave, She begs him to take her back, despite his shittieness. 
Image result for brooklyn
Brooklyn Sites: The Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn BrownStones, Solder's and Sailor's Arch, Brooklyn Borough Hall, and Coney Island

Rama learns about his sons. Sita would kill herself if she wasn't pregnant when she was abandoned. Rama asked Sita again to prove her purity. Mother Earth did and she took her back into the earth. She still loves Rama despite everything. She leaves everything behind. 

In New York, Nina reads the Ramayana and decides to make a film about it. She relates to Sita. 

The narrator, Chandra rubs Lakshmi's feet???

Extra Credit Reading

Paley Sita Sings the Blues

Lakshimi rises fro the sea. The cosmos: Shiva in a ring of fire. Brahma, Lakshima, and Vishnu rest on Shesha, Surya the Sun God, Chandra the moon god, the beating heart of the universe, and Bhumi the Earth God. 

In San Fran, Nina is happy with her boy friend until her boyfriend gets a job in India.

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San Francisco

King Dasharatha has three wives and four sons. (Rama's dad) Sita goes into exile with him. Ravana stole Sita. Some narrators think he is good but others don't. Ravana was devoted to Shiva. 

Dave calls Nina and invites her to India. She goes. They don't kiss in public or bed. It is like when Rama was cold to Sita after he rescued her because she lived in another man's house. Sita survives a test by fire proving her fidelity. 

Nina works in India for a little with Dave. But she goes back to New York for a week. 

Reading Week 14

Free Reading

Saraswati- Stories of the Goddess of Wisdom by Sanjana Kapur

There are many different stories in this one comic book. The first one is the "Birth of Saraswati." It tells how the Goddess was born. She emerged from Brahma's meditation. Brahma then grew new heads to gaze at her like one of those 360 cameras on shark week---- not creepy at all. Her start like this set her up to be very wise.
Image result for saraswati

In "Saraswati Becomes a River" the world is threatened by the fire of Vadavagni that could destroy everything. The fire consumes everything. The Devas were worried so they asked for help and she becomes a river to carry the fire away after Bramha told her to. She carried the fire to the ocean where it was extinguished but not in the river???

The comic book also talks about the story of King Prabhanjana. He was cursed to become a tiger. It also talks about how she was cursed by Vishvamitra. He cursed her to be filled with blood and therefore the river. Everything turns out because the sages are able to reverse it. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Growth Mindset, week 13

Growth Mindset

How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut by Priscilla Claman

I chose this little article because since Spring Break. I have been fighting not to go into summer mode. Hopefully, this article will help me with some tips or tricks! But, as we all know, I am a harsh critic so we will see!
Image result for rut

First point that I feel is a great one and want to comment on-- as a new person you feel like you have to look at things differently. Recently an organization I am in did elections and I asked why do we only have this revival of ideas during this time. We would be so much more efficient if we did it more often. I like where this is heading. 

Everyone has creativity when  they are confronted with new problems-- true. Maybe less so in todays age because it is so interconnected. It easier to google or ask others. But when else do you have sparks of creativity. 

Grooves --> ruts. Maybe but it isn't sustainable to always be the new person. My parents tried to do that to me. It sucks. 

Her questions aren't the best but I see her intentions..

The best solution she offer was share what you know. Some of them were kinda bad tbh. But conversations spark creativity and innovation. Different perspectives reveal so much!!! I am going to try to do this one more. I tend to isolate myself when I get busy and that is so bad. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Storylab Week 12

Writers Write

Why Method Writing Makes You a Better Author  Amanda Patterson

Actors use method acting--- some do, only the really intense and traditional ones. The definition of method acting also sucks. Method actors do not leave their character and live. Their definitions basically just normal acting. 

Their perspective about using method for writing is interesting though. I think it is already good writing. I don't remember the exact quote but basically it says every character an author writes has a piece of them. SO is this version of method writing real? Or is it just normal writing? Does this author know what method is? 

What's the Difference between an Autobiography or Memoir? Amanda Patterson

So I read this because I recently read an article that life is sexist (who would have thought) and that women writing about their life are more likely to be filed as memoir and men are more likely to be filed as an autobiography even though they site themselves more. Women can barely mention themselves and still be filed as a memoir. Annoying!

Image result for memoir

Autobiography's have to be focus on an entire life, the feel of a historical document, specific dates, and written by a famous person.

A memoir can be written by and one and is representation of a memory. It focuses on a memory and more emotional. They are not interchangeable. 

I bet why women are filed more as memoirs because people think they are more emotional and that's so annoying.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Free Reading Week 12 B

Nala and Damayanti

Agni gave Nala power over fire and he used it to get to a voice hethought was Damayanti. It turned out to be Karkotaka, the king of Serpants. He bit Nala and changed him into a Dwarf. He gave him a robe so he could turn into his former self but he had to learn his lesson and redeem himself first. He journeyed to Aydohya. 

His father in law searched for them. He found his daughter at a holiday. She was incredibly sad. She returned to her children so they wouldn't be orphans. 
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The Family

Damayanti found out where Nala was. She said she wanted to marry his master to get to him. Her mother and her made a plan.  

Nala worked hard to rid Kali out of his body.He became skillful at dice so Kali left when he played. Nala's wrath stoped and Kali entered a tree. But he was still a dwarf. 

Damayanti was upset that Rituparna did not come as fast as he could. Varshneya (Nala) came with him. Damayanti was sure of who he was. They confronted him and he confessed. They all rejoiced and made up. He saw his brother and got back his kingdom. They went back home escorted by a large army and with great treasures. They regained their renown and Nala performed every holy rite with devotion and munificence. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Free Reading Notes Week 12

Nala and Damayanti

In Nishadha, Nala was great at commanding armies. He also was cultured. Next door, there was the mighty Bhima who was childless. One day a Brahman came to his court and was welcomed well and soon he was given a daughter, Damayanti and three noble sons. Nala fell in love with her. He wooed her with swans and they fell deeply in love.  They had issues visiting each other ebcause Bhima's castle was guarded by celestial beings. 

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Castle or Manor

The gods made it hard for them to get married--they wanted her to marry a god. Kali really wanted to marry her. He vowed to take revenge for being rejected and a mortal being chose over him. He promised to to be the bereft of his kingdom and of his bride. 

For 12 years, Nala and Damayanti had a great life. They had a daughter Indrasena and a son Indrasen. Then one day Nala forgot to wash his feet before praying so Kali possessed him. Then he summoned his brother to play dice with him and the wicked spirit Dwapara entered the dice. He played betting away his life for months. Damaynti sent her kids to her fathers. He bet away everything that they had nothing. Kali then made him abandon his wife in the woods. 

A serpent tried to kill her but she was saved by a huntsman. He wanted to take advantage of her but she cursed him and he fell dead. She then found a holy place. They told her that she would see Nala again in splendor and his sin would be forgiven, then the holy men disappeared. She continued looking for Nala until she made it to Sunanda, another queen. She found refugee there. 

Nala and Damayanti Donald Alexander Mackenzie

Friday, April 5, 2019

Week 11 Story

Downtown Story

A young couple moved to New York City to work on Wall Street. The wife, Pam, was a stock broker, and the husband, Eric, worked in a firm. They were from the West Coast, so none of their family and friends were from the area. They had no emergency contacts or anyone to rely on. Pam was incredibly scared that they would have no where to turn in case of an emergency. Also, New Yorkers keep to themselves and don't go out of their way to help strangers often, so they couldn't hope for random acts of kindness.

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New York City
Pam was concerned they didn't know anyone so she forced Eric to make friends. He made friends at the gym, work, and a alumnae association. Their names are Jacob, Daniel, and Andrew.

Years later Pam and Eric started their family and had twin girls.

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Cute Twins
They were incredibly happy. Their career were going great and loved being parents. However, when the young family was going to the park one day, their uber was involved in a car crash. The girls were unscathed, but both parents were hurt.

The friends Pam forced Eric to make, stepped up during the time it took Pam and Eric to recover, and helped take care of the girls until their family could come and visit. Jacob would stay with the girls during the morning because he worked in the afternoon. Daniel would take the girls with his kids during the days, and Andrew watched the girls at night.

Author's Note 

I based this story off of the Hawk and the Osprey. I stayed pretty true to the story, but I changed the characters to people and setting to New York City. I did this because I could see this situation arising there. Its really scary to move to a place without connections, and someone has likely been forced to make friends before. In the actual story the Hawk is threatened by a hunter, but because I changed them to people, that was a lot less realistic. A car crash is more realistic and is something 1/3 experience in their lifetime.

Eastern Stories and Legends Part D

Eastern Stories and Legends

The Crow That Thought It Knew

The Bodhisatta became a marsh crow named Viraka the strong. There was a famine and people could not give food to the animals. The crows went to the woods. A crow became Viraka's servant because he didn't know how to fish. Eventually he became emaciated but he died trying to fish. His wife realized he was missing.

The Judas Tree

Brahmadatta, the King of Benares, had four sons. The sent for the charioteer to see a judas tree. He showed them one at a time and the tree was in different stages. They were confused why it was all different and their dad told them to be more specific with their questions.
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A Judas Tree

River-Fish and the Monkey

The Bodisatta wasborn in the family of a landed proprietor. He became a wealthy man. He took up some of his dad's business after his dad passed away. He was generous but his brother was greedy. He was trying to trick his brother out of money, but the spirits were on his brother's side. A fisherman gave him a fish with the parcel of money so he got it back.

The Dreamer in the Wood

Buddha lived alone in the woods. He ate wild fruits, flowers, and leaves. A divine being Sakka asked him to be free of malice, hatred, and greed. He understood why and made the tree bear fruit perenially and if he stayed there he was without disease.

The Rice Measure

Btahmadatta was king in Benares and the Bodisat was his valuer. He got a peasant to value things for him. A horse dealer bribed the valuer to see if he was corrupt. It ashamed the king and he drove out the fool.

The Poisonous Trees

Bodhisatta was born a merchant. He was trading with 500 wagons. He came to a town that had a poisonous what-fruit tree outside of it. Some people ate it but the Bodhisatta saved them.
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The Well-Trained Elephant

The Bodhisatta was born a white elephant. He got so much praise that the king got jealous. The king challenged him. The king tried to get him killed. He made him work really hard. He divided his kingdom in three portions. 

The Wise Physician 

Kisagotami had a fairy tale life. But her son died. She went to Buddha for answers and he could help him. He sent her to get some ingredients. He taught her that the living are few and the dead are many. Our system is not permanent. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Notes Week 11 Eastern Stories and Legends Part C

Eastern Stories and Legends

The Hawk and the Osprey

Two hawks lived on a lake by a lion and an Osprey and a Tortoise. The hawks were going to get married and she asked if he had any friends. She was worried that they didn't have any support. She pointed out they had great neighbors. He went out and made friends.
She had two sons and they were threatened by hunters. The osprey helped by putting out their fire. When he got tired, the tortoise he put mud on the flame then dragged them into the water. Then the lion came to scare them away. 

Grandmother's Golden Dish

The Bodisat was a dealer in tin and brass. He went round selling his wears. A wealthy family became poor. Only a girl and her grandmother were left and they served others for hire. They had a pot of gold but it was so dirty they didn't know it was gold. They tried to trade it for a pit and the Bodisat revealed its true worth. He gave them $1,000 and everything he had.
Image result for gold dish

The Elephant That Spared Life

The Bodisat was born a nobleman's son, Prince Magha. His parents got him married. He was a good guy. He was very giving and always kept the Commandments. When the King charged robbers without inquiry he reminded it was important to do so.  They were not trampled by Elephants in response.

How the Antelope Was Caught

The King of Benares had a gardener named Sanjaya. An antelope liked to hang in the garden. He and the king tried to catch him with honey and led him into the palace. He showed the antelope the danger of greed and let him go back.

The Banyan Deer

The Bodisat came to life as a deer. He was pretty. The king of the area loved meat. The people wanted to catch them so they didn't have to hunt anymore. The king promised the king of the Deer his life and he changed places with a young mother. The king gave everyone their lives because he loved the selflessness. The Pupil Who Taught His Teacher
Buddha was born into a Brahim family and was known as a Dhamapala or law keeper. HE was sent to study with a famed teacher became a chief pupil. The eldest son died but the Dramapala did not cry. Instead he was concerned. The teacher went on a journey. It was not the custom for children in his family line to die. The Brahmin made him feel better. 
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A Deer

The  Man Who Told a Lie

Four divine beings came to Earth. The Gods started talking to a false priest.  The fourth God realized he was lying and he was crushed by the spikes of his wreaths because he lied. He made a confession and begged for mercy but no one could pry it from his head. He prayed and the Gods showed up and took it off.

Tech Tip: Blogger Design Templates

Tech Tip You can play with the design, not just the information on the blog to impact the experience of the reader. You do this by changi...