Friday, January 18, 2019

Technology woooo

I love Google Docs

A library that helps with technology issues

So I love Google Docs, but probably more, Google Drive. It has almost eliminated flash drives and losing them. I don't think I have carried one since middle school if i am honest. The other technology tools I am not near as familiar with, other than twitter, but I can learn. I have been using computers since my parents let me when I was six. They have been a part of almost of my whole life. 

This is unlike any other class I have been in-- blended, online, or in person. At first I could not find anything, but I learned quickly. I'm excited because I will never use canvas or connect ever again so the reasoning is understandable. I don't know what I will use. The internet changes so quickly, I don't even know if it has been created yet.

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