Friday, January 18, 2019

Growth Mindset Blog

The Growth Mindset

I have never heard of Carol Dweck before, but I love Ted Talks so I was interested. I enjoy watching them and self improvement. For the first video "The Power of Believing You can Improve," I loved the examples she used. I hated Elementary School when I was young because I was always bored because my dad tried really hard to raise me in a similar manner. Personally, I dont think we should make children feel cheated if the work was too easy for them because there are so many factors in a classroom, but instead strive to teach them that the satisfaction is found in the challenge not the completion. However,  I really liked the high school in Chicago that used the grades "not yet" because it encourages improvements.  
A Cartoon depicting the Growth Mindset
A link to a school who uses the growth mindset

Here at OU I have learned so much about my learning. In high school, I was a straight A student and didn't every feel challenged because I took classes that were easy to master so i didn't know my learning style. But here, I really work hard to seek out my interests and prepare myself for my future. For instance, I am currently enrolled in "Fate and the Individual" which has over 6,000 pages of reading, so I have been using the Growth Mindset and taking on a challenge. I'm worried but I believe I can do it. Because of these decisions, I have learned that a mix of auditory and visual is the best way for me to learn something, but the true key is to put into a story form. This discovery helped me tremendously in my history classes. 

This semester I am studying for the LSAT so my learning goals are incorporated with that. I would like to be able to consistently study and improve my score. This will be the hardest test I have ever take so Ill need to preposition myself to take it directly on. 

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